Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association

The YCBA promotes, manages and supports EBU affiliated
competitive bridge play in our county.

Members Meeting 2023

  • By Jim Edwards
  • 26th October 2023

It may (but probably not!) have come to your attention that the annual members meeting will be coming up shortly. This is a meeting which is held as part of the constitution and the board would encourage you to attend if at all possible. Details of how the meeting will be run appear at the end of this article.

This is a chance for all members of the YCBA, where their first county of allegiance (or registered as a second county) is Yorkshire, to question the board, assess how we are doing, put ideas forward that we may not have thought of and for the board to give an update of what we are doing to progress bridge in the county. The good news is that there will be a free session of about 18 boards, to be run on BBO, for all members who attend (provided of course they want to play) with a prize of free entry (pairs) to the Spring Congress in Harrogate in February 2024. So how can you fail to want to attend if only to put faces to names (if you haven’t inspected the website!) of members of the board.

If you are unable to attend but would like a question/query to be answered, please let the acting secretary (Robin Jepson) have your details at least one week before the meeting.

The meeting will be held on Zoom as we feel that this offers the best approach to try and get a broader spectrum of members from across our large geographical county and the details are as follows:


Time: Nov 25th, 2023 11:00 AM 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 864 5451 1992

Passcode: 253265

Should this link, for any reason fail to work, it will be on the website as well.

Let’s hope the weather is a bit better then and we hope to see you there.

David Guild/Nick Woolven (YCBA Co-chairs)

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