Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association

The YCBA promotes, manages and supports EBU affiliated
competitive bridge play in our county.

Directory of Affiliated Clubs

  • Barnsley

    Steve Cartwright

    07766 331123



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    Barnsley Bridge Club was formed over 60 years ago. In 1963 the club played at premises in Victoria Crescent and was very proud to have two members who played for Yorkshire.

    The club subsequently met at the Conservative Club on Pitt Street, before moving to Shaw Lane Sports Club in Barnsley in September 2007. Post Covid the club moved to the Sports Village on the Honeywell Campus of Barnsley College. Finally the club moved to Gilroyd Social Club, Saville Road, Barnsley S75 3PX 

    There are currently 44 members but we are actively looking to recruit more.

    Bridge sessions are held on Mondays at 10:30am and Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Visitors are always welcome, with the exception of Simultaneous Pairs events.

    We have two teams entered in the current YL teams face to face competition and we will be entering two or three teams in the 2024 Winter online teams event.

  • Beauchief

    Phil Anwar & Vari Ainsworth

    07504 815 748 & 07766 988 331



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    The club was originally formed in 1984 as ‘Graham’s Bridge Club’ by Graham and Pat Jepson and renamed as Beauchief Bridge Club after the previous owners retired in 2004. It continued as a proprietors’ club: initially with four partners. 
    Beauchief takes its name from the old monastic area of South Sheffield where the club first met. The club meets on Monday and Thursday evenings at 7pm; Monday sessions are Face-to-Face at Norton House Country Club, Norton, Sheffield and Thursday sessions are online via the BBO platform.
    The club welcomes all abilities of player. Duplicate pairs are the bedrock of play, with teams occasionally, plus special “out-of-town” social bridge days to add variety. The club has few rules – just an emphasis on good behaviour and competent organisation backed by modern technology.
  • Beverley

    David Coats

    01377 257596



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    Beverley Bridge Club was started in 1952 under the name of Beverley Evening Bridge Club. At the outset the club held separate duplicate and rubber evenings.  Table money started at two bob* for duplicate and one and six* for rubber. The initial annual subscription was ten and six*, as they would have said. Up to the late 1970s, the club was in two separate sections: summer bridge and winter bridge, and these were combined. From 1995 the club became known as Beverley Bridge Club, and it affiliated to the EBU. However at the AGM of September 1996 it was resolved to end EBU affiliation. At the AGM of September 1998 it was resolved to re-affiliate to the EBU.

    Down the years the club has had many different venues in Beverley. Only recently the club had to move yet again and is now established at the Molescroft Pavilion just under a mile from the town centre. The club has some 36 members and has room for more.

    We open at 6:30pm and wish everyone to be there by 6:45pm for a 7pm start of play and usually finish at 10pm.

    The annual subscription is £12.50 and table money is £3 per head. Scoring is computerised. We run two summer competitions, handicap and scratch, from April to September on alternate Wednesdays. Winter competitions are:- pairs scratch, individual scratch, pairs handicap and individual handicap. These run from the 1st Wednesday of the month and follow through to 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesdays. All our competitions have a trophy with a cash prize.

  • Bradford

    Susan Hoyle

    01274 543100



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    Until 1941, there had been a bridge club run by a Mrs Brooke in Hanover House, in Little Germany. On her retirement, the members decided that it should continue and a newly-formed committee took over the club on October 19th.  The original club had  been a member of the YCBA  since 1935 but its successor now became a much more structured organisation itself – rules were drafted and club competitions encouraged.

    With the purchase of a property in Eldon Place in April 1945, trustees were appointed and a constitution replaced the rules. In 1967 the club moved into its present property in Mornington Villas. These larger premises have proved an asset, allowing regional and also national events, such as the Corn Cairdis in 1996 and 2013, to be held in Bradford. Also one of the Garden Cities Tournament Regional Finals was held in Bradford in 2023 and in 2024.

    Past members who were selected to represent England included Eric Milnes and Rita Oldroyd (also the first lady Grand Master). Sarah Teshome and Richard Winter have played for the English teams, and Daniel Winter was selected to play for the England under-15 team in the European Youth Team Championships in 2016.

    Susan Hoyle

  • Bridlington

    John Dyson

    01262 250 292



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    The club was founded in 1970 by Alec and Margery Cartwright, and meets on Tuesday evenings at Sewerby in St. John’s Church Hall. We are a small but friendly club, catering for all abilities of player.

  • Brighouse

    Tony Moyle

    07802 490054



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    Brighouse Bridge Club was formed over 30 years ago and enjoys a No Fear reputation. The club has recently moved premises to the Central Methodist Church in Brighouse town centre and there is no shortage of car parking for members and visitors.
    We currently have 130 members and hold bridge sessions on 3 mornings and 3 evenings. Details of bridge lessons/classes are on the club website. All sessions and lessons at Brighouse are face to face.
    The club currently has 3 teams playing in the Sunday league of the YCBA. Brighouse Bridge Club is a registered charity and is company limited by guarantee.
  • Doncaster

    David Beresford

    07504 557106



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    Background  – in the 1950’s, a group of friends rented an office in Doncaster’s market place area to play social bridge, but moved when numbers increased to the now bulldozed Odeon Cinema complex, and after a while to the Earl of Doncaster Hotel.   Our present property was offered first option to us in a lady’s will, because she enjoyed her bridge so much, and we became sole owner when the hairdressing salon in the property closed in 1965.   The infrastructure of the premises has been improved; CCTV has been installed, and an extension added to house a lift, toilets for disabled and to accommodate a licensed bar.

    Ethos – the club prides itself on its inclusivity and openness.   Members range from those beginning bridge up to a 91 year old.   There has been a firm rejection of the stereotype image of bridge as a snobbish, elitist pursuit.   Instead the club focuses on balancing the competitiveness of the game with a genuine commitment to its etiquette with friendliness and empathy.

    We hold many social events, such as Italian-themed days with antipasti at the clubhouse, go to a local restaurant and return for a bridge session. We go on bridge/walking weekends in Windermere and have even played bridge in a tree house!!

    Players – we have in 2015 over 200 members, one of Yorkshire’s largest clubs. We joined YCBA and EBU in 1962.  We hold eight sessions weekly and have five Sunday League teams.  We host an annual pairs competition open to any EBU member. Sally Dunsby and her husband Harry Anoyrkatis have represented England, Peter Stocken has been EBU Chairman, and Derek Rudkin won a YCBA Simultaneous Pairs three years running.

    Mary Stones

  • Easingwold

    Judy Muir

    01347 821814



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    Easingwold Bridge Club meets on Tuesday evenings throughout the year, starting at 7.00pm. Easingwold is 15 miles from York, just off the A19 trunk road. We meet at the Galtres Centre, off the main Market Square.

    We have a total of 27 members and on average four tables. Non-members with partners are always welcome without pre-arrangement – just turn up on the night. Club membership is £5 per annum & the weekly table money £1.50 (non-members charged £2). The club is affiliated to the EBU. For further information please ring (01347) 821762.

  • Garforth

    Philip Stoker

    07792 679322



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    Brian Rimmer started Garforth Bridge on 17th.September 1975. The club met in the outside classroom of a primary school.   The rent was £1.50 per hour. Since 2002 the club venue has been Barwick Cricket Club, which has a secure car park and a small bar.   We meet on Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 7pm. We will be trialling Thursday afternoons from 22nd October 2015.

    We celebrated our Ruby Anniversary in 2015 at Dintindale restaurant.   We held our 30th Swiss Teams on 20th September 2015.

    We are a very friendly club & are very eager to welcome new faces.    Current players and beginners all are welcome.  Anyone interested – please contact Audrey Jeal, our EBU qualified bridge teacher – tel 0113 2862914.    We look forward to seeing you.

  • Halifax

    Stephen Cordingley

    07301 102201



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    Halifax Bridge Club was officially founded on 26 April 1950, although there are newspaper reports of there being a bridge club in Halifax as early as 1932.

    Halifax Bridge Club bought its own property, a terrace house at 27 Rhodes Street in December 1959. In 1990 it moved to its present premises at 44 Prescott Street.

    Halifax Bridge Club became a Charitable Association in 2010 but changed its status in 2020 to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (C.I.O.).

    At present we have 190 members.

  • Harrogate

    Andrea Johnson

    01423 810699



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    The earliest bridge club in Harrogate was in the sixties, run by Monica Campbell, until 1968 when an alternative venue was found in the Adelphi Hotel. Here we played in a dedicated room 7 days a week, with a membership around 150, playing mainly afternoon cut-in bridge.

    Eventually in September 1971 the keys for 27 Robert Street were handed over for the princely sum of £3,000 and, after paying £2,000 for the structural alterations, the members rallied round to decorate and make curtains. The club was officially opened two months later with a membership of around 150.  Afternoon bridge formed the major part of our income and duplicate was played on Monday and Thursday evenings with 7 or 8 tables.

    The membership continued to grow with a shift away from Rubber Bridge to Duplicate as this became more popular.  Increasing numbers required more space and in 1996 we purchased the adjoining premises at no.29 for £85,000, spending £15,000 on alterations to knock the ground floors into one large playing area. The first and second floors of no.29 were converted into two separate flats and now bring in a welcome income.

    Unfortunately we do have difficulty with parking, but we have coped, playing bridge every weekday either afternoon or evening or both. We have a thriving membership of over 230 and some members have been with us for over 45 years

    We offer a two year course for complete beginners, with the next one starting in January if there is sufficient interest, and also run a weekly session of guided play to enable new players to build up the confidence to join our duplicate sessions.

    We have the occasional fun/social bridge events and have also invited guest speakers to enable regular players to improve their game. The latest of these was a seminar from Michael Byrne on ‘doubling’ which was very well received.

  • Huddersfield

    Sue Measures

    01484 850752



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    According to the research paper “Yorkshire’s Golden Years”, written in 1985 to celebrate 50 years of the YCBA, a Huddersfield section of the YCBA was formed in December 1936. The research for that paper was undertaken primarily by Hubert Castle, of Huddersfield Bridge Club, who was at that time chairman of the YCBA. Hubert made a significant contribution both to the YCBA and to Huddersfield Bridge Club. He continued to attend the club into his late nineties and played some social bridge even when he was too infirm to come to the club. Although Hubert is no longer with us, members of the club were able to help him celebrate his 100th birthday in 2013, and his legacy continues in the Castle Swiss Pairs, a YCBA event which is held every year at Huddersfield Bridge Club.

    Bridge is supposed to contribute to longevity, and that has certainly proved to be the case at Huddersfield. We have 95 year old Joe Kowalski still playing – and winning – at our club, and Mrs Ann Singleton (now deceased) played well into her late nineties as well. Joe continues to stand in when needed in the Sunday Inter City League, playing for our B team only last season.

    The club meets at premises on Cambridge Road, Huddersfield where it has been based since 1965. The premises are wholly owned by the members and have recently been modernised with significant alterations to the bar and kitchen area. This has proved to be a great success. The club meets for duplicate sessions every weekday evening and the occasional Saturday. It is also used during the day throughout the week for social bridge and for lessons.

    As of June 2015 the club had 265 members, and this has been steadily growing over the last few years. With the advent of a more structured schedule of lessons, more players are coming through to participate in the more competitive evening duplicate sessions, and the overall standard is rising.

    Although Huddersfield players are well known throughout Yorkshire we have not had a lot of national successes to boast about. Joe Kowalski, with his partner Peter Radley, did win the regional heat of the National Pairs competition, and in 1998 Heather Hobson and Roy Garthwaite were part of a team which won bronze in the European Community Teams at Salsomaggiore. In 2014 a Huddersfield team of Heather Hobson, Roy Garthwaite and Pearl and Denis

    Murphy represented Yorkshire in the Pachabo Cup. Having won the Improvers’ Pairs Competition of the Great Northern Swiss Pairs in Leeds last October, Gillian Emerson & Alan Stephenson have now come a brilliant second nationally in the EBU Spring Bank event for “Improvers”, the Really Easy Afternoon, with 66 pairs competing.

  • Hull & East RIding

    Penny Joseph

    01482 588657



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    Hull & East RIding

    Hull BC has 100 members – down from 300 in its glory days – and is situated on Spring Bank in the city centre.  However we do boast a centenarian, Mamie Seal, amongst our players.  The club was formed in the early 1930’s and played in various places including the Royal Hotel and in local businesses just after the war.   Dennis Colley and Ken Richardson started bridge in 1967/8 at Spring Bank.   Hull & East Riding Contract Bridge Association used these premises until they bought the freehold in 1983/4 – supervised by Chairman David Waxman at first, before he moved to Sheffield, and after that by David Rose, the new chairman.  

    Two of our most famous players of the past were Eric Pudsey, YCBA Secretary, and David Colley.  David played for Yorkshire in each of seven decades from the 1940s to the 2000s and represented Hull in the Yorkshire League for 60 years.

    1n 1956 the EBU Pachabo Cup was won by JD and DN Colley, E Pudsey and M Dickinson. In or about that year a Hull team of the Colley brothers, E Pudsey, A Myerhoff, K Richardson and G Dixon reached the Gold Cup semifinals, to be beaten by the eventual winners captained by a certain Terence Reese!

    Nowadays there are three evening and two afternoon sessions each week.   Our premises have been upgraded (well overdue!) and we place more emphasis on attracting new players, with regular classes to encourage newcomers to the great game.

  • Ilkley (Olicana)

    Nick Beeson



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    Ilkley (Olicana)

    Olicana Bridge Club in Ilkley sprang from a group of friends playing together in 1962 and had become a well organised club by 1963, joining the EBU in 1967. By 1975 the Club had 69 members and a team in the Yorkshire League. The far-sighted committee risked buying our club premises in 1978 and the hard work of members continues, ensuring that we enjoy pleasant surroundings in the centre of Ilkley ideally organised for bridge.

    Today membership stands at well over 300 and rising. We provide a full programme, with typically eight playing sessions per week both face to face and online. We have four teams in the Yorkshire League, a wide variety of club competitions and events and a very active teaching programme starting from absolute beginners through to seminars for intermediate and advanced players.

    In 2023 Olicana celebrated it’s Diamond Jubilee. Above all, Olicana is a friendly welcoming club and continues to attract new members from a wide area.

  • Keighley

    Jean Wiseman

    07503 172235



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    In 1964 a group of contract bridge players at Riddlesden Institute joined the EBU and entered two teams in the YCBA Leagues.  When the bridge room was re-located from an allegedly loud youth club, the club rented rooms at the Victoria Hall and played there until dry rot and structural defects forced them to look elsewhere.   A Victorian terraced house was purchased and converted thanks to members’ loans, donations and fundraising.

    However parking wasn’t easy so, when the old Beechcliffe Cycling Club that had plenty of parking space came on the market, another round of fundraising began, and it was bought in 2004.   Our members rolled up their sleeves yet again…. the place was completely stripped and refurbished in less than 3 months!

  • Leeds

    Julian Hayward

    07919 317775



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    The Leeds and District Contract Bridge Board was formed in May 1937 and was one of the first affiliated members to the YCBA. It worked with various bridge clubs then operating in Leeds for the purposes of holding city-wide bridge events.   From 1946, duplicate bridge in Leeds was played at many venues in the City.

    Since 1998, the Club has played at the Moor Allerton Sports and Social Centre, extending the centre to provide a bespoke bridge suite.   In 2015, it became the Leeds Bridge Club Trust, a company limited by guarantee and registered as a charity.

    The club has currently 321 members and approximately 60 tables per week with a strong improvers’ section. There are beginners’ classes and coaching for the more experienced.

  • Malton

    Richard Hilton

    01653 693501



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    Malton Bridge Club was formed in 1955, initially playing rubber bridge but soon converted to duplicate by its first secretary, Norman Archer.  It affiliated to the YCBA in 1967 and entered teams in the Yorkshire League, where two club teams currently participate.  Two individuals are predominant in the history of the club:  Alan Martindale was the secretary of the club from 1960 to 1999 and achieved considerable success within the game, representing Yorkshire on numerous occasions; and Philip Mason was the treasurer from 1962 to 1999, also with a successful playing career and serving as YCBA chairman for twenty-five years and now as president.  These two have been responsible for inspiring high standards within the club, enabling it to be competitive over the years with clubs from much larger conurbations.  Richard Hilton replaced Alan Martindale as secretary in 1999 and so is only the third such in the club’s history.

    The club, and Philip Mason in particular, organizes two annual open competitions:  The Malton Cup for teams-offour began in 1966 and has recently celebrated its fiftieth staging; while the Ryedale Pairs, designed to encourage ordinary club members by excluding the very top players, was first run in 1977 and has been held every year since.

    The club continues to perform well: its first team has just been promoted back into the first division of the Yorkshire League, where it has been for much of its existence (and been runner-up on three occasions), and a team from the club has this year won the Waddington Cup for the first time.

  • Northallerton

    Steve Wilson

    07889 194936



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    Northallerton Bridge Club was formed in the 1950s and holds Duplicate sessions on Monday evenings at Northallerton Town Hall – there are just under 40 members.


    We are a small, friendly Club – the current Committee is forward-looking and keen to promote Bridge locally, recruit new members and is embarking on providing Beginner’s lessons.


    The Club recently affiliated to the EBU and we welcome players of all standards.

  • Ripon

    John Martin



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    The club was founded in 1974 and affiliated to the YCBA that same year.  Sessions are held in the Hugh Ripley

    Hall and it has the reputation of being a friendly, welcoming club.  Bridge is played on Wednesday and Friday evenings with lessons for beginners on Friday afternoons.  The club possibly holds more simultaneous pairs than other clubs in Yorkshire and these are very popular.

    Despite many romances, the only wedding of players who met at the club was that of Maureen Maxwell and John Tebb.  An amusing occurrence happened when the club advertised “come to Ripon and enjoy fun and games”.   That same week, the treasurer and executive officer (married to others) ran off together, never to be seen again!

  • Scarborough

    Amy Ker

    01723 351575



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    The following is very much a potted history of Scarborough Bridge Club.

    Rubber bridge was played at 34 The Esplanade, Scarborough in 1934 and later at the Westbury Hotel, Aberdeen Walk.   After the war the club was first named ‘Scarborough Contract Bridge Club’ but the name was later changed to ‘The Scarborough and District Contract Bridge Club’ in order to include country members and it was then affiliated to the YCBA.   A move to Alma Square followed but, as the club was expanding rapidly, larger premises had to be found – this time in the Talbot Hotel in Queen Street where bridge was played in four large rooms. This venue was lost when the brewery owners decided to convert the building to residential accommodation.  The club then moved to Valley Bridge Road until the owners, the Yorkshire Insurance, put the property on the market.   A further move followed to the Yorkshire Bank Chambers in Huntriss Row, and once more the owners decided to alter their usage of these premises.

    Under the guidance of our chairman, John Gerrard, who the YCBA today remember through the annual simultaneous pairs event, the club, assisted by the EBU, moved to St Martin’s Road in 1990 and for the next 25 years the club leased these premises.   In 2015 following years of patience while building our savings, we finally achieved our aspiration of acquiring our own premises and we have recently moved into 3A West Street (only two doors away from our old club).  We are very proud of this achievement.

  • Selby & Hambleton

    Mike Dunne

    01757 228605 /07927430786 /07849402942



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    Selby & Hambleton

    The Bridge Circle, as it was known, was in existence before World War II. According to one of our long standing members, Nilar Hey, the members then used to play at each other’s homes. Sometime after the war, they used the Londesborough Hotel in Selby as their venue. The oldest written record is the AGM of 27 October 1976, held at the Londesborough Hotel.

    The name of the club was officially changed to the Selby Bridge Club at the AGM on 1 November 1978, at which there were 30 members present. Table fees were raised to 25p in 1979 and club subscriptions were 50p. On 8 June 1977 a Bring and Win night was organised to coincide with the Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebrations.

    In January 1981 the Londesborough Hotel was to have alterations made and so Selby Bridge Club moved to the United Reformed Church in Selby where they played for 28 years.   A committee meeting of 30 October 1981 records that score cards were to be kept face down at all times!

    In May 1995 it was agreed to join with Hambleton Bridge Club and become known as Selby and Hambleton Bridge Club and enter two teams in the winter league if enough members joined the EBU.   Hambleton Bridge Club played in the Hambleton Village Hall where many a Yorkshire league match has been played on a Sunday, and where we still play on Friday night.

    In 2009 the club had to move their Wednesday night Bridge to the village hall in Chapel Haddlesey, where they are today.

  • Settle

    Rosie Sanderson

    01729 825944



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  • Sheffield

    Anne Camm

    0114 2550844



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    Sheffield BC shares its 80th anniversary with YCBA and EBU, and has been in the same premises at 6 Thornsett Road, Sheffield since being opened on 22nd September 1936 by Hubert Phillips.  Since 2015 the club no longer has a resident steward.

    1n 1939 the initial success was rudely interrupted by a roof-damaging German bomb which necessitated the club to close for 3 months!!  Four members bought the club premises when the landlord decided to sell in 1944.

    In 2015 the club is Yorkshire’s largest in terms of bridge activity, and the twentieth in England. We hold seven sessions of duplicate weekly, several teaching sessions per week and special events, as well as maintaining nine teams of eight in the YCBA Sunday League.   We also run two local leagues of teams of four in three divisions.

  • Shelley

    Clive Barnett



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    Shelley Bridge Club was founded in 1979 following a meeting in Shelley Village Hall in January of that year, and has been meeting there weekly ever since.     The club affiliated to EBU in November 1979 and joined YCBA on 1st April 1981.   Since that date Shelley Bridge Club has taken part in various YCBA competitions and for many years fielded a team in the Sunday League.   We still have two active members who joined us in our inaugural year.

    Initially our club used a fairly basic set of rules, but in April 2013 it adopted the EBU model club constitution, with a few modifications to suit our requirements.

  • Thirsk

    Jane Bartlett

    01439 771624



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    The club was established in 1977 on the initiative of three players – Jean Cable, Tom Hodgson and Bob Knight – and had 39 members in its first year. It affiliated to the YCBA in 1995. In 2015 we have two teams in the Sunday League of the YCBA.  Jack Rouse is the present secretary, and notes that after the YCBA introduced zero tolerance in its events Thirsk Bridge News in its postscript said:


  • Thornton-Le-Dale

    Lesley Jaram

    01751 477 831



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  • Wakefield

    Danny Parsonson

    0758 147 6235



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    Although nobody can recall the exact date of the Wakefield Club’s foundation, the Wakefield Express of 19 December 1953 recorded that we played our first match against the Aysgarth club from Leeds, and ran out narrow winners ‘by 400 points’.  By the time of that match the Express also recorded that ‘the duplicate bridge drives held by the club are proving so popular that they are being held fortnightly instead of monthly’ – and the club has never looked back since.

    That first match was held in the long-gone Jester restaurant in the middle of Wakefield, but for many years thereafter Holmfield House in Thornes Park (now also a pub/restaurant) was home to the growing club.  In 1991 we moved to Wakefield Town Hall, but the very limited facilities available there meant it was not popular with many members; and in 1994 we agreed to join the West Yorkshire Sports & Social Club (WYSSC) in Sandal. Here we had time and space to grow the club, and it was our home for more than 25 years.

    Our regular offering of Monday and Thursday evenings proved very popular, and although club membership never rose above 90 we enjoyed plenty of success with four teams in the Yorkshire League.  As we approached our Diamond Jubilee in 2013, however, membership had drifted down to 59, and much thought and effort went into plans to revive the club. Open evenings and new classes for beginners proved very attractive, a fifth Yorkshire League team was formed, and new playing sessions on Monday morning and Tuesday evening have helped membership soar to 200 at the end of 2019.

    With ever-increasing demand for extra sessions we found that WYSSC was no longer able to accommodate us, and as 2020 opened we made plans for a return to Thornes Park – but this time in our own section of the former Wakefield College. We have now left WYSSC, and will move into our new home as soon as the Corona virus lockdown is lifted and play is again permitted. A new chapter awaits – and we are all excited about the possibilities it brings.

  • Wensleydale

    Susan MacKellar



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    In 1985 Tony Philpott, the founder of Wensleydale  BC advertised for people to play bridge and got together twelve people of mixed bridge ability. The group applied to join Northallerton Bridge Club, but were rejected. The reason given was that they did not want such a large group but perhaps the prospect of having beginners did not enthuse them.

    It was therefore decided to form Wensleydale BC playing on Thursday evenings in Thoralby Village Hall in 1987.

    In 1992 the club had reached 25 members and joined YCBA.   We entered a team in Division 9 of the YCBA Sunday League and have now progressed to Division 6.  In 1993 the club were accepted in the Hambleton League but were asked to withdraw when other teams considered it too far to travel to Wensleydale.

    The outstanding bridge achievement of the club was in the 1995 EBU Nicko.   After a first round bye  we beat a Harrogate team, then a Scarborough team, a strong Brunton  team, Bradford ’A’ and Harrogate ‘A’ before losing in round 7 to a strong Ripon team. This achievement by a small bridge club received national recognition!

    Play continued at Thoralby until 2012 when declining numbers and a conflict of playing night with nearby Richmond caused the club to change playing night and venue. The club now meets every Wednesday at 7 pm at the Key Centre in Middleham.  Visitors are most welcome.

  • Wetherby

    Vanessa Jervis

    07734 331366



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    41 years ago in 1974 an advert was placed in the local paper saying that a new club for bridge players was to be started at Wetherby High School. So began the embryo that was to become Wetherby Bridge Club. Oblong desks either too wide when pushed together or too narrow when standing alone, together with chairs that laddered ladies’ tights forced the happy band to move to Wetherby Town Hall. A year later in 1975 the group moved to Wetherby Library where they enjoyed six happy years of bridge.  By this time the group had grown, and in 1981 they were forced to find larger accommodation in the Church Hall, Collingham.  In 1984 the attraction of a warm carpeted room and a licensed bar led the group to move premises again to Wetherby Social Club. As the table money accumulated, the now 100 strong members started to think of buying their own premises. This came to fruition in October 1998, and the first session of bridge in the new premises was played on 13th February 1999.

    The Club now boasts 324 active members with bridge being played every evening Monday to Friday and also on Wednesday afternoon. Annual bridge weekends in the Lake District and social fund raising bridge evenings ensure that the members also enjoy each other’s’ company together with their bridge.

  • York

    Mark Dunkley

    01904 332020



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    York Bridge Club celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2021. In April 2022 it opened new purpose-built premises in the grounds of Acomb Sports Club, in a suburb of York. The new facilities are superb, and there is no shortage of car parking for members and visitors.

    The club currently have around 270 members and holds bridge sessions on 3 afternoons, 1 morning and 3 evenings. In addition, we are currently experimenting with various formats of bridge between 10am and 3.30pm on Wednesdays. For learners we hold 2 assisted play sessions each week.

    All sessions are colour coded on our website (with supporting guidance) which enables would-be players to assess the standard of play.

    The club runs bridge classes for beginners and improvers and has a programme of seminars with guest speakers aimed at more advanced players. Details of bridge teaching course are shown on the club website, which is www.yorkbridgeclub.com

    All sessions and lessons at York are face to face.

    The club has set up a Youth Academy to attract young players to bridge. Our young players are invited to play on alternate Sundays and are following an EBED structured course of learning.

    We have a Facebook page which provides topical news items and celebrates the success of our members.

    York Bridge Club is a Registered Charity and is a company limited by guarantee.

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