Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association

The YCBA promotes, manages and supports EBU affiliated
competitive bridge play in our county.

Club Tournament Director Training Course – Sheffield – October

  • By Jim Edwards
  • 25th June 2024

Once again, by popular demand, the YCBA  are running a Club Tournament Director Training Course with Barrie Partridge, to be held at Sheffield Bridge Club.

This is supported by the YCBA Bridge Development so the entry is FREE.

The course will run on 3 consecutive Saturdays, the 19th, 26th October & 2nd November, starting at 10.30am and finishing at 5.30pm with a break for lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided but attendees will be responsible for their own food.

If you wish to attend please contact:

Barrie Partridge at TD@sheffieldbridgeclub.co.uk or call him on                 01629 584567.  

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