Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association

The YCBA promotes, manages and supports EBU affiliated
competitive bridge play in our county.

Chairs Blog May 2023

  • By Jim Edwards
  • 16th May 2023

Chair’s Blog Spring/Summer 2023

As we approach the summer months you may think that would be a slow down in the bridge world, but oh no.

As you will be aware the summer online league will continue and the Sundays set aside for this are 21stMay, 18th June and 2nd July.

The annual YCBA congress will again be held at York Bridge Club over the weekend of 10th and 11th June. Details for entry are on the website.

The AGM of the YCBA will also be held at York Bridge club starting at 11am on the Saturday. This will again be a ‘hybrid’ meeting with members able to ‘attend’ on line by virtue of a zoom link that will be made available. I urge you to try and be at the meeting (one way or another), if nothing else so that we will be quorate! Any questions you may have for the board can be given to the secretary before the meeting.

Other events for your diary are the following:

Affiliated Teams, 22nd June, Doncaster BC. Details will be going up shortly on the website but this is traditionally an event for which clubs enter a team(s) as a thankyou to members who have volunteered within the club throughout the year. Always a nice event.

Castle Swiss Pairs, 25th June, Huddersfield BC. Again, details will be confirmed very shortly but this event has always been a fixture on the calendar and is of course named after one of long serving chairman, Hubert Castle.

Waddington Cup Final, 9th July, York BC. This will again be at York, as last year and is for teams from clubs. We would like to better the 7 teams that attended last year and again the final details for entry will be on the website.

Scarborough Congress, 13th-16th July, Crown Spa Hotel. This popular congress is an EBU event and details can be found on the EBU website. It will be run by Oliver Cowan on their behalf.

If you are interested in learning how to become a TD (even at your local club), then the YCBA will be running a popular course in September over three Saturdays (9th, 16th, 23rd). This course will be run by Barrie Partridge and full details of how to apply are on the website but be quick as there are only limited places available!

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to our grants scheme. This is available to all clubs, who provided they meet the criteria for the grant, can apply for said grant. All the details of how to apply are on the website under the news section.

Can I wish you a safe and happy summer and continued success at the bridge table.

Nick Woolven (YCBA Chair)

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