Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association

The YCBA promotes, manages and supports EBU affiliated
competitive bridge play in our county.

Latest News and Info

YCBA Competition “Play Online Without Experts”

By popular request, our online ‘Play Without The Experts’ on 9th August is now accepting any player upto and including Jack NGS level who wishes to participate.

EBU Update on Social Distancing

At the recent YCBA AGM, a question was asked about the restarting of Face to Face Bridge.
To help clubs plan for this, the EBU have updated their advice about social distancing and risk assesments for enabling this.

The information can be found at the club forum page on the EBU website at https://www.ebu.co.uk/forum/categories/club-forum


Thanks go to the 27 YCBA members who joined the first YCBA AGM held online on Saturday 18th July, making the meeting quorate. Meeting minutes will be published under Official documents when available.

Keith Sowerbutts 1947 – 2020

We are sad to report the recent loss of Keith Sowerbutts.

More details can be found on the Obituaries page, here, and for his tremendous contribution to York Bridge Club and funeral arrangements can be found on York Bridge Club’s website, here.

Keith Sowerbutts 1947 – 2020

It is with much sadness that we report that Keith passed away on 12 July following a number of years of failing health.

His bridge playing career spanned over 50 years playing his first knockout competition in 1969, following this he represented the county on many occasions including the 1995 Tollemache team. He was known for his unconventional but highly effective style of bidding and playing and whilst his partners may say he was not always easy to play with he was a much more difficult and formidable opponent at the bridge table.

Deepest sympathy is extended to his family, friends, bridge partners and the wider bridge community.

Full details of his tremendous contribution to York Bridge Club and funeral arrangements can be found of York Bridge Club’s website. here

AGM on Saturday 18th July

Hi Our Yorkshire Members
Our latest YCBA annual accounts are now available on this website, see here for you to view prior to our first online AGM on the morning of Saturday 18 July,
We are going to keep the AGM brief and hope that you can join us for the 11am start.
We are nervous that we need at least 25 members to make this an “official” meeting, so if you can support us by joining online, please let Julia know (secretary@ycba.co.uk) in the days before.
Best wishes
Chair YCBA

New Website launched

Dear Yorkshire Members,

Welcome to our redesigned website that is managed by our new webmaster, Andrew Pearson.

We are starting our website launch with more innovation; our first virtual AGM on 18 July and our virtual Swiss Teams on the same day.

So watch out for joining information on this website and for the exciting virtual competitions programme that we are scheduling for the rest of the year.

Best wishes
Nick Woolven
Chair YCBA

New YCBA website

During this difficult time, it gives me great pleasure to be able to bring to you a major item of positive news, this being that we are to launch our newly designed YCBA website on the 1st July 2020.

It would be extremely remiss of me not to mention the superb work that has gone into our current website that has served us well for the last decade. Rob Turner was our webmaster from 1999 and in 2010 he worked with Lesley Blanchard to totally redesign our site into its present familiar green thematic. Subsequent work to administer, maintain and improve our site to present time has continued to be through the efforts of this volunteer team. Without their commitment to getting results/news/committee meetings/ calendar and numerous other activities that display on the website, all of us would be far less informed. Rob very sadly passed away last year and Lesley has since been steadfast in her solo effort to keep our website current. So, I am sure you would all like to join me in expressing our sincere thanks to both Rob and Lesley for all their hard work and dedication over the years.

We are launching our new 2020 design that is now written in WordPress, the most popular website builder software, which makes it easier to update the site and share the design workload. We have changed the order of the website and you may initially need to familiarise yourself with the new formats. We hope that you find it both accessible and user friendly and we welcome your comments and suggestions for further design improvement.

I hope you are keeping safe and well and let us look forward to the time when we can get back to ‘normal’, whatever that may look like!

Best wishes
Nick Woolven (YCBA Chair)
19 June 2020


Message from YCBA Chair

Hello everyone,

During this difficult time, it gives me great pleasure to be able to bring to you a major item of positive news, this being that we are to launch our newly designed YCBA website on the 1st July 2020.

It would be extremely remiss of me not to mention the superb work that has gone into our current website that has served us well for the last decade. Rob Turner was our webmaster from 1999 and in 2010 he worked with Lesley Blanchard to totally redesign our site into its present familiar green thematic. Subsequent work to administer, maintain and improve our site to present time has continued to be through the efforts of this volunteer team. Without their commitment to getting results/news/committee meetings/ calendar and numerous other activities that display on the website, all of us would be far less informed. Rob very sadly passed away last year and Lesley has since been steadfast in her solo effort to keep our website current. So, I am sure you would all like to join me in expressing our sincere thanks to both Rob and Lesley for all their hard work and dedication over the years.

We are launching our new 2020 design that is now written in WordPress, the most popular website builder software, which makes it easier to update the site and share the design workload. We have changed the order of the website and you may initially need to familiarise yourself with the new formats. We hope that you find it both accessible and user friendly and we welcome your comments and suggestions for further design improvement.

I hope you are keeping safe and well and let us look forward to the time when we can get back to ‘normal’, whatever that may look like!

Best wishes
Nick Woolven (YCBA Chair)
19 June 2020

Chairman’s May 2020 Update

Dear Yorkshire Bridge Players,

First, I hope that you are all keeping well, not struggling too hard with isolation and enjoying some form of bridge. There is no great surprise that, in these unprecedented times, the YCBA have decided to cancel all competitions till the end of the season because even when lockdown gradually ends it will be unlikely that gatherings at bridge clubs will be allowed straight away. To this end, we have been investigating ways of encouraging players to get on- line (a lot of players have done this for themselves successfully) and have come up with idea of holding our first ever on- line county competition. The plan is to hold this sometime towards the end of May and make it a swiss pairs event lasting a month. There will be a small charge to cover the organisers time and administration, but I really hope you will make the effort to enter. It will be held on the BBO platform, which for some of you I know may be scary but there will be some clear instructions on what to do and also there is a plethora of information on how to join BBO (free) both on the EBU website and various club websites.

If you are daunted by this do not hesitate to contact anyone on the Board and they will be able to help you. Greater details of this new event will appear on the website later, so keep watching. Within this time, of course, we were due to have our congress and AGM at the beginning of June. This has now been put back until 18th July and the plan is to try and hold the AGM on a video platform (e.g Zoom) but again details will come out later. We may well ask for questions to be written in before the meeting to help facilitate it on the day but as this is of course as new to you as it is to me, final details have to be ironed out. However, it is also our plan to hold an on-line event after the AGM. At the moment this is looking like a one day teams’ event but again we would really encourage all of you to think about entering, even if you feel uncomfortable playing on- line. Again, more details to follow but put it in your diary!

The YCBA secretary will shortly be sending out a letter to all club secretaries for distribution to the club players, highlighting some of the details from above and what else the YCBA is trying to do to help clubs in these difficult times. When this is finally over and we can get back to playing what I call ‘real bridge’, it will be a very different environment and some clubs may struggle to get the numbers they once had. I hope not and that as a member of your club and indeed your county, you will go back to supporting your club to help them get over this crisis. Lastly, I hope you all remain safe and look forward to the future as a chance to renew old rivalries across the bridge table. Do not be afraid of trying on-line bridge in any of its guises and whilst it is no substitute for the real thing, it’s not that bad!

Best Wishes,

Nick Woolven (YCBA Chair)

7 May 2020

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