Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association

The YCBA promotes, manages and supports EBU affiliated
competitive bridge play in our county.

Latest News and Info

YCBA Online Charity Event raises £200

Tuesday evening saw the YCBA’s first Virtual Charity Pairs event and it was won by Peter & Julie Milewski with an impressive 68.31%, ahead of Ralph Cornfield & Michael Franklin in 2nd place, with Richard Hilton & Pauline Cooper in 3rd place. 

This event raised £200 for charity and the winners have chosen for the money to be donated to the Homeless Street Angels, a Leeds based charity providing food and clothing to those living on the streets of Leeds. They have a small group of volunteers giving up time to cook meals and put care packages together to give out each week helping those less fortunate. You can see more about their work here.

Tollemache Cup Qualifier round team announced

The Tollemache Cup is the inter-county championships for teams of eight, with a qualifying round followed by a final for the top eight teams.

After careful consideration the selectors have settled on the 12 player team below for the Tollemache qualifier which will be played on the Real Bridge platform, 21st-22nd November.

Tony McNiff (C)    Bill Townsend
Richard Winter     Geoff Kenyon
Richard Pike     David Waxman
Sarah Teshome     Daniel Winter
Brian Senior       Sandra Penfold
David Robinson     Tony Sowter

Reserves: Frank Dixon and Paul Brereton

Halifax Bridge Club Develops International Ties

Online play may initially be daunting, but one Yorkshire Bridge Club has exploited the global opportunity it offers.

After testing the water with a Scottish Club friendly in Spring, the enterprising Halifax BC executive decided to go reach out further and arranged two friendly matches on BBO; one with their namesake club, in Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada and one with their twinned town of Aachen in Germany.  

Both events attracted over ten tables and were thoroughly enjoyed by all participants.

So much so that both are repeating as “Autumn Internationals” in the coming weeks. (For details see www.bridgewebs.com/halifax/ ).

Great Northern Pairs – Online

The Great Northern Pairs was played this weekend 3rd and 4th October. Congratulations to the winners, Frank Dixon and Paul Brereton, with a combined score of 64% and a particularly impressive 67% in the first session. Also to the 2nd and 3rd place finishers, Ian and Julie Grant, Rob Ferrari and Mike Ash respectively. The Nine High Great Northern Pairs was won by Sue Wright and Jane Holdrick, with a score of 59%.

We would like to apologise for some confusion over the masterpoints, green points will be awarded for the Great Northern Pairs once we’ve finalised the totals, and will incorporate both session scores and final rankings. Please not that the session 2 scores may differ from those shown on BBO, as we had two sections playing the same boards and merged the results when calculating the final scores.

Results are available on Pianola, and a ranking report is also available here

New EBED “Teaching Online” course

A New Teachers’ Course for online teaching from EBED runs 22nd through 23rd October for both Club and Independent Bridge teachers, 

Please register at https://www.ebedcio.org.uk/teach. For more info, contact  Jacks Morecombe at  jacqueline@ebedcio.org.uk. 

The course presenter is Suzanne Gill.  

Yorkshire do well in President’s Cup

Scoring 134 VPs, the Yorkshire team managed a 2nd = place in the 2020 Presidents’ Cup. See ‘Other Results’ for further details.

Events Calendar updated to December 2020

New Online events have been recently added to the Calendar including a version of the Great Northern Pairs in October, together with a ‘9 High‘ pairs event.

An Online version of the popular Yorkshire League, this time for club teams of 4, will also run this Autumn over 4 Sundays between October and December.

Chairman’s blog updated

See our YCBA Chairman’s latest blog which includes details of new competitions and Club Chairs’ consultation plan.

The update can be found here , or via ‘About YCBA +‘ menu

Chairman’s August 2020 update

Once again, I find myself putting fingers on the keyboard to hopefully give you an update of what we, the YCBA committee, are doing on your behalf.

I am sure that you will have seen our President’s letter outlining what is happening with our flagship event, the Yorkshire League. Plans are in place to start again in January and whilst this seems a long way away, even now there is a doubt that this will be the case. In the light of this, the idea of a new inter club tournament came about and further details will be forthcoming about this exciting interim on-line opportunity for clubs to participate in. The format will be slightly different to the traditional Yorkshire League but we hope that you can generate your Club team(s) to enjoy this new competition.

We are always looking at new ideas for competitions and the feedback I have received so far, for those that we have held, has been very good. However, this does not stop us from entertaining ideas for new events and we are looking at all types of formats for the future, whilst on-line bridge remains the only game in town. If you would like more variants on stratified events, mixed, men’s, ladies’, swiss, teams, pairs etc. please let us know. The on-line game can be as sociable as you want it to be and yes, you cannot see people faces but the possibility of say adding Zoom feedbacks is one way of connecting with friends and opponents alike after an event.

Early on in lockdown, we contacted clubs to check on their ‘health and well- being’ and to also to get a handle on how many members were playing on-line. This not only proved popular with the clubs but gave the YCBA a valuable insight to all our clubs in this current climate. It is with this in mind and, similarly to the way that the EBU consults at County level, that I would like to invite all Chairs our YCBA Clubs to a meet with me on-line. The date has yet to be sorted and I appreciate that you may not all be able to attend but if you can have a representative there that would be great. Unfortunately, I do not have all the current e-mail addresses of the Club Chairs, so in the first instance if you can each contact me, so that I can get an invitation list together with possible dates, that would be great. Failing that, if possible, could the Club Secretaries please let me have their Chair’s details and I will contact them.

As I mentioned earlier, the events we have held have proved very popular and I would like to personally thank everyone who has been involved in creating and making these events really from scratch as it is as new to us as it may be to you. Especially but not exclusively, Lesley and Ron Millet, David Guild, Pauline Stout, Oliver Cowan, James Carpenter and Stuart Davies.

Please keep your eye on the website for future competitions that we will be running.

I hope you and your families keep well and safe and whilst the day of face to face bridge still seems a long way off, I hope you are enjoying your on-line bridge because enjoyment is the reason we play the game.

Nick Woolven (YCBA Chair)

EBU update on Online Bridge Arrangements

The EBU has just released changes to Online Bridge Arrangements. For details see here

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