Yorkshire Online League New Season
18th October 2022
Starting soon – Winter 2023 season of the Online Yorkshire League.
Entry forms will shortly be sent out to club match secretaries for the Winter 2023 season of the Online Yorkshire League. The forms and other information will also be available on the YCBA website via the Leagues tab.
The competition will be on similar lines to the previous edition of the OYL in spring 2022. Teams of four representing clubs. Clubs may enter as many teams as they wish and players may move freely between club teams. There will be three match days on 8th and 29th January and 19th February. On each of these there will be three 8 board matches played in the afternoon starting at 2.00. Home teams may opt to play on BBO (matches set up by the home team) or on RealBridge (organised centrally so you just have to log in and play).
We look forward to welcoming back many teams to this season of the Online League.